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The Jolly Beggars: A Cantata (第5/7页)
ave o't. at kirns an' weddins we'se be there, an' o sae nicely's we will fare! we'll bowse about till daddie care sing whistle owre the lave o't. i am, c. sae merrily's the banes we'll pyke, an' sun oursel's about the dyke; an' at our leisure, when ye like, we'll whistle owre the lave o't. i am, c. but bless me wi' your heav'n o' charms, an' while i kittle hair on thairms, hunger, cauld, an' a' sic harms, may whistle owre the lave o't. i am, c. recitativo her charms had struck a sturdy caird, as weel as poor gut-scraper; he taks the fiddler by the beard, an' draws a roosty rapier— he swoor, by a' was swearing worth, to speet him like a pliver, unless he would from that time forth relinquish her for ever. wi' ghastly e'e poor tweedle-dee upon his hunkers bended, an' pray'd for grace wi' ruefu' face, an' so the quarrel ended. but tho' his little heart did grieve when round the tinkler prest her, he feign'd to snirtle in his sleeve, when thus the caird address'd her: air tune—“clout the cauldron.” my bonie lass, i work in brass, a tinkler is my station: i've travell'd round all christian ground in this my occupation; i've taen the gold, an' been enrolled in many a noble squadron; but vain they search'd when off i march'd to go an' clout the cauldron. i've taen the gold, c. despise that shrimp, that wither'd imp, with a' his noise an' cap'rin; an' take a share with those that bear the budget and the apron! and by that stowp! my faith an' houp, and by that dear kilbaigie, if e'er ye want, or meet wi' scant, may i ne'er weet my craigie. and by that stowp, c. recitativo the caird prevail'd—th' unblushing fair in his embraces sunk;